
Saturday December 29th, 2007 Welch Village

Date & Location: Saturday December 29th, 2007 Welch Village

Snow & Weather: 24 degrees hard pack with a lil sluff and a lil ice

Vertical feet & runs: 4,660 feet 14 runs

Season Total: 55,650 feet 114 runs

Comments: Rode with Glen, CJ, and Greg*. Welch was insanely busy again. We did some Chicken steeps off-piste in prep for Colorado. Glen ripped. CJ was a little suspect. CJ ripped when I followed him down the steeps. I guess he will have to pay me to follow him in Colorado so he doesn't die. Pete's Pike was my favorite run of the day. Bonnie gave us Mad Croc hats and we drank Mad Croc. Total Red Bull rip-off. *Greg skied today. Yes I said skied. I told him that could get him put up for eviction from the BFGSC. Then he said it was for a girl and then I told him that is even worse and it could now be immediate eviction. Then he said it was for the kids and I said I would forgive him this one time.

CJ: Greg's a SKIER!

Glen: I tore it up today! I can't wait to hit Summit County on Wednesday. Had a blast today with Matt & CJ, although CJ was looking rough. I'll see you Mr.Journal on Wednesday! Blue Balls?

Shooshbag Greg: Skiing with Kris, Sierra, Jade. I hate snow plowing (hurts my gluticus maximus) Happy New Year!

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