
Friday January 4th, 2008 Copper Mountain

Date & Location: Friday January 4th, 2008 Copper Mountain

Snow & Weather: 32 degrees 2-4" of new fluff

Vertical feet & runs: 16,030 feet 9 runs

Season Total: 102,680 feet 154 runs

Comments: Rode with Sean, Glen, and CJ. I love Copper Mountain. It was my favorite of the three days in Colorado. We rode hard today. Did some fluffy bumps top to bottom. I wrenched my knee (surgery knee) and it made it feel better in the short term. But it now hurts in the end of the day. CJ made friends with a tree. I got Sean to do one more run after he was positive it was his last but I introduced him to a great tree run. Glen rode way awesomer today than yesterday! Me like Copper Mountain. I did my best performance run ever on a board today! Sorry about the last photo I guess you go a little crazy from being in altitude for a while and drinking too may beers.

CJ: Copper was sweet just like I remembered it! I hurt today, though. Need to get in shape for 6 days of riding in Montana! These guys rock! In your face!

Glen: You do what you gotta do and then you do it!

Roley: Fought through the pain and had the best of 3 days. Copper Mountain is by far my favorite Colorado mountain. 3" fell on us. Found fluffy powder in cool tree runs. Go figure I'm not as sore after final day. I don't want to spend $50 extra on Julesberg Motel so I will not clean any birds in room. Especially not in your FACE!!! It is also fortunate I don't have a motorcycle to wipe down with these towels.

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